by Jake N Aard and
Gary Duke, with much
help from Murky B, Piers Forrest, and John Fouhy, plus other contributions
from subscribers to the alt.fan.pratchett Diplomacy mailing list.
In order to join the list you should send blank mail to afpdip-request@lspace.org with
the word subscribe in the subject. You will
receive an emailed confirmation. See the mailing list page for more information.
Abbreviations are used extensively. A summary of abbreviations may
be found here.
0. NOTE:
This variant is currently under development, and is currently being
playtested. No guarantees can be made concerning the accuracy of these
rules, nor the playability of the variant. You can download a map from
There are currently two maps bearing the version v0.06, these are
v0.06 and v0.06(Ogg). V0.06(Ogg) is corrected so that Ogg controls
Lancre, a long neglected omission. This will probably make it into the
final version, and so this is the version assumed below.
Octarine is a Diplomacy variant - Diplomacy is a registered
trademark of the Avalon Hill Game Company. It is set on the Discworld -
Discworld is a registered trademark belonging to Terry and Lyn
Pratchett. These rules may be freely reprinted provided all the above
credits remain intact and unaltered. Note that this variant is Public
Domain and no attempt may be made to use it for profit. These rules
were compiled by Gary Duke, 1997, 1998.
All standard Diplomacy rules apply except where modified below.
Octarine, while set on the Discworld, does not attempt to reproduce
any particular period. Cases could be put forward for various theories
as to how Disc-wide warfare might break out in the period covered by
the Discworld books (this definitely does not include the Mage Wars,
which would obviously require a lot of magic rules) - such as Lord Hong
being victorious in Interesting Times - but there is no
'official' storyline. The first turn is simply Spring, Fruitbat
'01, after which is Autumn (or Fall for Merkins), Fruitbat '01,
then Spring, Fruitbat '02, etc. Retreats and adjustments are
carried out as in normal Diplomacy.
There are (4+4) starting powers, with units as follows:
(A) Agatean Empire F(Bes), F(Hng), F(SDi tc)
(C) Circle Cities A(Eph), A(Omn), F(Ank)
(G) Genua A(Gen), F(Bla), F(Kyt)
(H) Hubland Barbarians A(Hub), A(Vor), F(Ing)
(K) Klatch A(How), A(ReD), F(Kha)
(M) Muntab A(Gha), A(Mun), F(Bri), F(Reh rc)
(O) Oggland F(Chi), A(Lla), A(Lan)
(X) XXXX F(Ter), F(HNL), F(Pur)
For the edification of non-Discworld fans (hiss!), the
coasts of bi-coastal provinces are labelled by the following:
hc = Hubwards coast
rc = Rimwards coast
tc = Turnwise coast
wc = Widdershins coast
(noting that the Disc rotates clockwise, as seen from above).
The Celestial Straits between Agatea and the main continent are
frozen in Winter. Therefore, fleets may only pass through in Spring,
whilst armies may cross in Autumn. Specifically: In Spring, PEL and WWO
are adjacent, LIG and Ctk are not. In Autumn, LIG and Ctk are adjacent,
PEL and WWO are not. No coastal designations are required for fleets in
LIG or Ctk - it is assumed that a fleet in these provinces can keep a
channel open through Winter if necessary, but that there is not time
for a fleet to open a channel directly from PEL to WWO and move through
it in one turn.
Due to the edicts carved in the ancient stone of Djelibeybi, no
foreign military units are allowed to occupy or traverse Djelibeybi or
its coastal waters. There is therefore no direct movement whatsoever
between Ephebe and Tsort.
The provinces of beTrobi Islands, Brown Islands, Land of Fog, and
Purdeighsland, are normal coastal provinces - they may be occupied by
an army (convoyed there) or a fleet. A fleet in any of them may not
take part in a convoy.
9. KU
Ku is a special sea supply centre. Ku may only be occupied by a
fleet, and a fleet there may be involved in a convoy.
The provinces of Purdeighsland and Terror Incognita are treated as
Sweden and Denmark are in standard Diplomacy. Armies and fleets may
move freely between them. Also, the coast of Terror Incognita from
Hubwards New Llamedos past The Big Bight, Purdeighsland, and the
Rimwards Widdershins Ocean to the edge of the map is a single coast -
the Hubwards coast.
Fleets may not pass from Hubwards New Llamedos/The Big Bight to/from
Rimwards Widdershins Ocean without first passing through Purdeighsland
or Terror Incognita (or Hubwards Widdershins Ocean).
The winning condition is control of over half the supply centres on
the board (22+). Once any power attains this condition in an Adjustment
phase, that power is declared the Winner. Alternatively, the players
may agree to end the game at any time by unanimous consent, with
whatever result they wish, and as allowed for by the House Rules in