Perdita LogsPiers has said he may support me into Serbia. Negotiations are continuing. I'm quite worried about Turkey, and Suzi seems to share the worries. With any luck, we will team up with Piers and depose the Sultan. (and then we'll probably have to team up and depose the Pharoah) It looks like John has got things summed up fairly accurately to me at this stage in the game... he most certainly is worth watching. ... and then it was time for the results again. Perdita, Spring 1996 Movement Results.
Some interesting moves there. Spain has seen that without some drastic action she will be finished by the anglo-french alliance, and has decided to pose Britain with a dilemma, does Britain go for Sve (which she CAN take) or does she defend Morocco? As far as I'm concerned it's a mute point for Britain, Morocco can be reclaimed, whereas captured foreign SCs are invaluable. Spain is headed for an early exit despite some cleverness here. WHY did Spain not attack Gibraltar when she had the chance? The non agression between France and Germany seems to be going well, especially with Germany making headway against Britain (it was incomprehensible to me that Norway did not support F Lon-Nth). Turkey seems to be the victim of quite a coordinated attack, almost certainly losing a home SC this year. Turkey also is looking to push an army around the Russian's flank. I'd take that army through Siberia, as the quicker route through Volga is more likely to simply bounce. Russia has been quite successfully penned in. Though this is liable to break down as other conflicts escalate I don't hold much hope for Russia in the southern sphere of influence, Russia's biggest threat is the Ukraine - and she needs to be organising Poland and Turkey in an alliance against the Ukraine... In the north, Norway is a target, and with Britain distracted it would be a good thing to get Finland into Lapland - with the foreknowledge and blessing of Germany.... It's in the interests of Germany to leave Scandinavia well alone whilst Russia poses a separate threat to Britain. What would I be doing as Britain? Primarily I'd be trying to break down the Franco-germanic non agression pact, though this would probably meet with little success. I'd definitely be talking to Poland and Italy, pointing out that should Britain fall then Germany would pose a large threat to their empires, a threat which it's better to deal with now. John comments: Turkey is probably going to get ground into the dust, between myself, Piers, and Suzi. Mikey quotes a message sent to him by the British PM, Jim:
> Hi Mike, To which Mikey replied: Mr PM Jim Tony whatever your name isAll of this gave rise to: Perdita, Autumn 1996 Movement Results.
The following table gives the current SC situation.
The following table gives the current build situation. A positive number of adjusts means you have builds, a negative number means disbands. In the event of an NMR on the adjust phase, builds will not be given, disbands will be made bu use of a random process. If you do not want to make use of the build, send a "waive" order to the GM. As there are 64 SCs, 38 home SCs and 26 neutral the victory condition is 33 SCs.
The following table contains a game summary, broken down by power. The NMR/Late score are for the current player.
Dropouts: The following table contains a game summary, broken down by SC. Sc's are grouped roughly according to geographical area. Start End SC 95 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 ----Africa------------------------------------------------------------- Libya . E E Morocco . B S Tunisia . I I ---Britain------------------------------------------------------------- Edinburgh B B B Gibraltar B B B Liverpool B B B London B B B -Central Europe-------------------------------------------------------- Austria . I I Bulgaria . T T Croatia . I I Czechoslovakia . P P Greece . T T Hungary . U U Rumania . U U Serbia . . I ----Egypt-------------------------------------------------------------- Alexandria E E E Aswan E E E Cairo E E E ----France------------------------------------------------------------- Bordeaux F F F Lyon F F F Marseilles F F F Paris F F F ---Germany------------------------------------------------------------- Berlin G G G Frankfurt G G G Hamburg G G G Munich G G G ----Italy-------------------------------------------------------------- Milan I I I Naples I I I Rome I I I Venice I I I --Middle East---------------------------------------------------------- Iran . T T Israel . E E Saudi Arabia . E E ----Poland------------------------------------------------------------- Gdansk P P P Krakow P P P Warsaw P P P ----Russia------------------------------------------------------------- Gorky R R R Moscow R R R Murmansk R R R Rostov R U U St. Petersburg R R R -SovSatellite---------------------------------------------------------- Bielorussia . P P Georgia . T R Lithuania . P P --Scandinavia---------------------------------------------------------- Denmark . G G Norway . B B Sweden . R R ----Spain-------------------------------------------------------------- Barcelona S S S Madrid S S S Seville S S B ----Turkey------------------------------------------------------------- Adana T T T Ankara T T T Istanbul T T T Izmair T T T ---Ukraine------------------------------------------------------------- Kiev U U U Kharkov U U U Odessa U U U Sevastipol U U U -West Europe----------------------------------------------------------- Belgium . G G Holland . G G Ireland . B B Monaco . F F Portugal . S S Switzerland . F F Italy builds a Fleet in Naples. Russia builds an Army in StP. Russia comments: Piers should go to Ankara this move, as it seems too good an offer to pass up. Unless he stabs me and takes Geor, in which case i have nothing left to do stop him except ally with Turkey, something i doubt Ydris would be willing to do after the last move. Personally I feel that Ydris will clutch at any straw he can get. I wonder what Ydris did to be singled out like this... I'd put good money that young Piers is behind it all... Mikey now comments: FYI I think the brit will move his army in sve to por and he expects me to support him in case the Moroccan fleet cuts support from SAO. This way, I guarantee Barcelona in the fall at the latest whle staying on speaking terms with the brit. he may think me daft but not evil. What a twerp!. Still no word from Spain. I might have considered a ceasefire had he asked as the brit is ripe for the picking!! Watch this space. Thus nicely demonstrating the principle that if you don't talk to people then they cannot be on your side... Jason, what ARE you doing? John comments: Assuming Piers and Suzi don't decide that this is a good opportunity to backstab me (Piers is going to have the opportunity for both movement turns this year, unfortunately), Turkey should be left with only Iran as a supply centre by the next adjust. ![]() |