The L-Space Web: Developers

Old Headers Toolbars and Footers

These are here for reference purposes only.


$1 = title of the page
$2 = description of the page

Generates the following:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<html lang="en">
<meta name="keywords" CONTENT="Discworld Terry Pratchett L-Space">
<meta name="description" CONTENT="$2">
<link rel="made" href="">
<link rel="Stylesheet" title="Default Stylesheet" media="Screen" href="/css/default.css">


exactly the same as above, but adds in the body tag:

<body bgcolor="#EFEFDE" background="'/images'/LightTerry.jpg" text="#000000" alink="#950000" vlink="#52188B" link="#0000EE">


$1 = heading of the page
$2 = title of the page

<em>$1</em><hr />
<div align="center">
<h1 class="blue">$2</h1>
<hr />

So _MTITLE(The L-Space Web Maintainers Page, General Macros) was the macro used for the top of this page.

On most pages of the L-Space Web, you will see a toolbar. These aid navigation around the site.


The smallest of the available toolbars, usually used to link back to the index page. Provides a single 'UP' button. If you use this macro add a <hr /> before it.


$1 = previous page url
$2 = index page url
$3 = next page url

3 buttons, but again you need to include <hr /> before it.


$1 = previous page url
$2 = next page url

3 button toolbar again, but with the index.html pre-defined. This macro already includes the horizontal rule.


$1 = previous page (URL)
$2 = previous chapter
$3 = index/contents
$4 = next chapter
$5 = next page

5 buttons, the majority of the maintainers will never use this particular macro.


defines the standard global info line used in all the footers


defines the standard local info used in all the footers


uses the above 2 macros


$1 = ????
This macro uses the first 3 to create the following:

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by R.R.Collier

As seen on the bottom of most pages of The L-Space Web.


defines the standard update time tag used in all the footers(?) and produces the following

This page was last modified: _DATE<br />


$1 = url
$2 = your name
is a modified version of _FOOTER, for giving credit to single-page maintainers.
It adds in the following line to the footer of the page:

HTML for this page by <a href="$1">$2</a>.

The following are all specific footers for various sections of The L-Space Web, and similar in design to the _HTMLFOOTER. These are created specifically for the current maintainers.

_MFOOTER : for use in the Merchandise pages.
_AB_FOOTER : for use in the about-terry pages.
_AFPARTY_FOOTER : for use in the afparty pages.
_KIDBY_FOOTER : for use in the Kidby pages.
_FILK_FOOTER : for use in the filks pages
_TIMELINES_FOOTER : for use in the timelines pages
_AFPMEETS_FOOTER : for use in the afpmeets pages.
_FAQS_FOOTER : for use in the FAQ pages.

This section of L-Space is maintained by The L-Space Librarians

The L-Space Web is a creation of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror site is maintained by A.H.Davis