The Chronicle has reached Issue Three,
and membership of the Convention has reached 500. Preparations are
accelerating towards September - with just six months until we gather
in Liverpool the finishing touches are already being put to the planned
events and the membership pack. We will soon start contacting those of
you who have volunteered to help out and giving you specific jobs for
the event. Those of you who haven't been in touch yet but want to
help - tell us now, so that we can find something for you to get
involved with.
This issue, we welcome a number of new subscribers to the Chronicle. These are the people who cannot attend the Convention itself but want to be kept in touch by receiving one of the best sources of Discworld information and entertainment around. We all hope that The Discworld Chronicle meets their needs.
More information about the programme and what to expect on the first day of the Convention is included in this issue. We also have the normal mixture of articles, reviews and puzzles. From the feedback we have received about the magazine, we know you like it. But do you like it enough to help fill it? As an incentive, we are offering the top three contributors to Issue Four a free year's subscription to the Chronicle, starting with the post-Convention issue. Don't miss this chance to get involved with Discworld fandom! Write or e-mail us with your news, reviews, gossip, problems and opinions - if it's good enough, it will get into the finished magazine.
With this issue you
should have received forms for booking into the hotel and the Maskerade
Gala Dinner and for volunteering. The more observant among you will
note that the address for returning these forms is different from the
normal PO Box address. Due to some problems we were experiencing with
the Post Office we have taken steps to establish a permanent address
for the Convention. Our new home is:
It's a bit cramped, but serves our purposes and won't be changing for some time to come. The PO Box will remain active for urgent mail, but its address will be changing in about four months. If you are unsure of where to send something, your best bet is the new address.
Take care, and we shall see you all in September!
Paul A Rood
Convention Chairman
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May 1998