Being under-tall for his girth, stocky, well-built even, Gary Powell with his masculine features and full beard is the perfect Merry Littlebottom. His Welsh heritage means he understands the dwarf's perspective on the importance of mining. That and the legacy of his mother's cooking - bread that could take your foot off, if dropped whilst making a sandwich.
David Smith, more used to playing feisty, fight-happy Klingons, is the ideal Carrot. Tall, muscular, blond, blue-eyed, sober and sensible - but not too much up top!
The striking figure of Nottingham's official Robin Hood, Tim Pollard, certainly gives him the stage presence to become Death. His measured pace across the floor is matched by the deep timbre in his voice. Now, he really can TALK IN CAPITALS - you have to hear it to believe it. But once you do, you'll think "So that's how you talk in capitals!".
Last and of course most important: Sam Rimmer, one-time behind-the-scenes costume maker and organiser, this time is a dead ringer for Magrat. No costume required to assume this role: just plaited tresses adorned with the odd flower, a purple tassel skirt, a hippy top and the essential open-toed sandals, not to mention a complete lack of grasp of the esoteric (but don't let her hear you say that!). A natural. Maybe she is just a method actress and has been rehearsing for this part for most of her life.
As well as these characters, other favourites from the Discworld will be appearing between courses at the banquet. Well accustomed to missing the odd meal to further guests' enjoyment, the Fantasy Workz bunch will ensure you laugh, cry, cheer, clap, head to the bar at just the wrong moment and miss the best joke of the night, boo and sway in time with the rhythm of the play. (Er, maybe we should play some background music, just in case?)
The meal will come to a rousing conclusion as the City Watch treat us to 'The Watch on Parade' - a spectacular display of the troop's abilities. Not to be missed!
Fantasy Workz is an autonomous collective of individuals who provide banqueting and all-night live entertainment. We are trained stuntpeople, fire breathers and a general good-time bunch. We travel the country and present banquets of our own devising or yours. We are best known in Nottingham for our Star Trek banquets: KlingCon. This will be our first appearance at the Discworld Convention, but hopefully not our last. For further details please feel free to contact us at:
Fantasy Workz,Sam Rimmer
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Web pages designed by Derek Moody
November 1998