is a huge and unique database covering a wide range of Science Fiction and Fantasy topics. It is used to entertain fans at conventions and raise money for charities.
The Guide is maintained and presented at conventions by one Dave Hodges, whose Discworld claim to fame is that the character Hodgesaargh in Lords & Ladies is based upon the real-life experiences of this larger-than-life Fan. Dave has been running the Guide single-handed for about nine years now and, when not travelling or attending conventions, he works for a company who use birds of prey at airfields as a more humane form of bird control. The real-life Lady Jane was one such bird and Dave has a number of pictures of her in action that he will be bringing to the Convention.
Dave will be donating a complete printout of the Guide database to be auctioned for charity in September. There is also talk of Clarecraft doing a Hodgesaargh figure - Dave will no doubt be on hand to sign them for the most devoted fans.
The best way to find out more about the Guide is to help Dave during the Convention. He needs people to provide cover so that he can take a break every now and again, giving them an opportunity to spend some time exploring this vast and fascinating work. You can contact Dave and offer your services at (please mark all mail "Real Hitch Hiker's Guide"):
68 Gotch Road,The Guide is also available on the Web at: (currently not available)
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Web pages designed by Derek Moody
November 1998