An update on some of the previously announced Discworld merchandise and publication news from Colin Smythe:
The 1999 Discworld Wall Calendar features work by Josh Kirby, including the hitherto unseen picture for the cover of the two-in-one volume containing The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic. This edition is intended for publication in 1999. The 2000 calendar will feature Paul Kidby's work.
The Discworld Day-to-Day Calendar will include text from the Companion and around fifty pictures by Paul Kidby, many hitherto unseen. A similar one is planned for 2000.
Chapel House are issuing a number of Discworld bookmarks with Kirby images (Kidby ones to follow) which will be on sale at the Convention, probably at the stand of the Cunning Artificer.
Doubleday have printed fewer than 150 copies of the bound proof of Carpe Jugulum, the next Discworld novel. One of these proofs will be raffled at the Convention - over two months before publication. Tickets for the raffle will be £1.00 each and available from the Convention's table in the Dealers Room. All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Convention's charities.
Paul Kidby's next map will be of Death's cottage and gardens, and is presently entitled Death's Domain. The publication date should be next May.
Terry, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen are working on a new book presently entitled The Science of the Discworld, to be published by Ebury Press, probably in June 1999. Paul Kidby has already been working on the cover illustration. It is not an attempt to rationalise Discworld science in the way that The Science of Star Trek does; rather, Stewart and Cohen will be looking at real-world science from a Discworld point of view, and giving some interesting truths about our universe. Terry says that readers will finally learn what Ponder Stibbons is allowed to build on the squash-court, but whatever it is, the Faculty will continue to play squash there... More details of this new publication will be available in the Convention's Programme Book.
The publication date of Legends, edited by Robert Silverberg, is 5th October. Harper-Collins have issued a special sampler, containing 'The Sea and Little Fishes' with Josh's second cover, showing the witches visiting Granny in her cottage. If you turn the book over and upside-down, you will come across 'The Wood Boy' by Raymond Feist. This is limited to 1000 copies, 200 of which are signed by both authors and are being given out to specially favoured customers of HarperCollins.
Gollancz are publishing another Discworld omnibus - The Death Trilogy, containing Mort, Reaper Man and Soul Music - in October, and The Ankh-Morpork City Watch Diary 1999 in September.
Collectors' editions of Witches Abroad, Small Gods, Lords and Ladies and Men at Arms with the standard jacket styles are now being released.
In the US, HarperPrism are publishing their hardcover edition of Hogfather in November
Samples of Blue Cat's mugs should be on display at the Convention. Apparently the plan is that orders will be accepted there for postal delivery before Christmas. The pictures on the first three are by Josh Kirby - almost certainly from Reaper Man, Guards! Guards! and Witches Abroad. The next three will feature Paul Kidby pictures.
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November 1998