"Best Death of Rats" This award goes to Amy Robinson as "Death of Rats" made by Sheila Wicks.
"Best Fairy" (Most likely to go on Terry's Tree) awarded to Marianne Jones from the "Mismatch Trio" made by Michelle Jose, Melanie Ratcliffe and Marianne Jones.
"Most Authentic" This honour is awarded to "Magrat as Queen Ynci the Short Tempered" - modelled by Elizabeth Alway and made by Paul & Elizabeth Alway.
"Workmanship - Experienced" is the award claimed by "Beggar" - made and modelled by Pam Gower. The "Special Greebo" award (a hug, a kiss and who knows where it might end?) was claimed by Sue Mason from Richard Nicholls made by Richard Nicholls and Jeannie.
"Workmanship - Novice" This award
goes to "Captain Carrot and Corporal Angua" - modelled and
made by Maurice Barnes and Lottie Barber.
"The Noisiest Drunk" of the evening was Stephen Crane who made and modelled "Captain Vimes".
The "We Just All Agreed This Was Really Good" award was presented to Naomi Jacobs as "Lettice Knibbs" - made by Tina Hannan & Naomi Jacobs.
"Best Presentation" was warded to "Teppic" which was made and modelled by Peter Johnstone.
The winner of "Discworld Best In Show" goes to "Detritus" made and modelled by Howard Legg.
The artistic efforts of children and their parents or any other adults who happen along are now on display around the hotel. The materials are still available in the Children's Room if people want to do more.
After a tightly fought contest between some poets who where pretty evenly matched in talent(!), the eventual winner was Liz Mattafice with the Dwarf epic poem The Lay of The Last Dwarf Bread.
by Stephen Briggs
It's overwhelming to sit at the opening ceremony and look out over a sea of people who've all come to Liverpool because of the work of one man. Discworld is a big place, and I'm delighted to be able to be involved in a corner of it - mapping cities, staging plays and re-learning all those things which seemed so unimportant when I was at school - Latin, Geography, the Industrial Revolution.
It's also still weird to see my name on bookshop shelves and weirder to come accross it on posters in shop windows in far flung towns where groups are staging one of the plays. It's a trifle mind-blowing to know the plays are also being staged all over the world - South Africa, Australia, Sweden, France...
Sometimes I sit at home surrounded by files of badges, UU scarves and pens, and think - "This is not at all what I had in mind when I left school." Damn good thing, too!
by Diane Duane
So the King planted two of the pellets in a well-prepared seed bed, and raked the soil ¼ inch thick over them, and watered them on the small rose of the watering can. And he was about to plant the third one, when it seemed to him the most important thing in the world to swallow it with a glass of water.
And lo, matters followed their course as described in all the tabloids, and in the fullness of time the Queen was brought to childbed, and she gave birth to two fine sons, and a daughter with the head of a duck.
The Queen fainted (as well she might). And the King was very upset. And since she had been married to him for twenty years, and she knew what the problem was when he got that look, when she was conscious again the Queen took the King aside and said to him privately, "All right, let's have it - what did you do?"
And the King, who was nearly wood1, cried in a great
voice, "Why a duck??!"
The Queen was not up for this, and she grabbed her husband and shook him a good one, and said, "If you're going to bring that up, why couldn't one of the boys have had the head of a duck? I ask you." And they were very annoyed with each other.
But the children grew quickly and became handsome, or beautiful, insofar as it is possible to be beautiful when you have the head of a duck (fairly far, if you have two beefy brothers who love you desperately and who routinely pound anyone who won't say you're Fair as the Dawn into a sticky pulp).
And so the Princes and the Princess grew up, and things seemed to be going along fairly quietly, until a Visitor came to the kingdom and threw everything into disarray...
NEXT: Who came calling, and What the Duck-Headed Princess Did
[1] Crazy.
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