Words supplied by Rue and Raen
(From The Truth, look up 'Let Me Suck of Water Pure'.)
*Bracketed parts to be sung in a chorus.
SCENE: Cows dancing on tables clutching foaming tankards of beer. I dunchknow about you but in Ay-shuh we eat Drunken Prawns, so this saves you a Marinade.
Let me be covered in Rapturous Gravy
(Rapturous, Rapturous Gravy!)
That man over there with the fork, he can Have Me
(Man with the fork he can Have Me!)
Once I was fearful, I cried, someone Save Me!
(Somebody, somebody Save Me!)
Till I was covered, you see someone Gave Me
(Rapturous, Rapturous Gravy!)
The Gravy be Rapturous, see how it pours
It maketh a truly mouthwatering main course
JUst burble a stewpot,it's never a chore
Let Rapturous Gravy be poured evermore!
Pause, much toasting, hailing. Beer slops everywhere. Change key:
If I were a sheep I would say, "You can Shave Me!"
(If I were a sheep you could Shave Me!)
But first, give me covers of Rapturous Gravy
(Rapturous, Rapturous Gravy!)
Oh, I am a luvvely fat cow and you Crave Me
(Luvvely fat cow and you Crave Me!)
But more so when sssslathered with Rapturous Gravy!
(Rapturous, Rapturous Gravy!)
The Gravy be Rapturous, see how it pours
It maketh a truly mouthwatering main course
JUst burble a stewpot,it's never a chore
Let Rapturous Gravy be poured evermore!
Eventually the singing and cheering dies down.
Lone voice: But what'll we use as the gravy boat?
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