The L-Space Web: Songs
This page is devoted to actual Discworld Songs… well to ones mentioned within the novels. This is completely separate to the many filks that have been written.
All the little Angels [NW]
Amber & Jasper [MP]
Why The Hedgehog Can Never Be Buggered At All - As popularised by Nanny Ogg [WS]
Gatherin' Rhubarb [SM]
Gold [MAA]
Let Me Be Covered in Rapturous Gravy [TT]
Lo, the Infidels Flee the Wrath of Om [SG]
Questa Maledetta Porta? [M!M]
Streets of Ankh-Morpork, The [RM]
The Minstrel's Song [TLH]
The Patrician Doesn't Have Any Balls [GG]
Wizard's Staff Has a Knob on the End, A [WS]
Wouldn't It Be Nice If Everyone Was Nice [H]
To complete the list, we've include other songs mentioned in the books. These are awaiting words from someone out there!
- Ankh-Morpork Malady [RM]
- Ankh-Morpork 'National Anthem' [NW]
- Ankh-Morpork! Ankh-Morpork! So Good They Named it Ankh-Morpork [RM]
- Ball of Philodelphus, The [E]
- Ballad of Amber and Jasper, The [MP]
- Beggars Song [H]
- Carry Me Away From Old Ankh-Morpork RM
- Cavern Deep, Mountain High [SM]
- Claws of Iron Shall Rend the Ungodly [SG]
- Colonel Crapski [MR]
- Dingdong, Dingdong [WA]
- Don't Tread On My New Blue Boots [SM]
- Give Me That Music With Rocks in [SM]
- Good Gracious, Miss Polly [SM]
- He is Trampling the Unrighteous with Hooves of Hot Iron [SG]
- Hiho Song, The [MP]
- I Fear I'm Going Back to Ankh-Morpork RM
- I Wish I'd Never Kissed Her [MR]
- Johnny Has Gone For a Soldier [MR]
- May I Suck of Water Pure [TT]
- Nobody Knows(?) [H]
- Oh will you Come to the Mission [TT]
- Pathway to Paradise [SM]
- Plogviehze (roughly translated as: The Sun Has Risen! Lets Make War!) [MR]
- Red Rosy Hen, The [H]
- Sioni Bod Da [SM]
- Something's Gotten Into My Beard [SM]
- Sto Helit Lace [SM]
- Sweet Polly Oliver [MR]
- The Bonny Flowers [WFM]
- The Borogravian National Anthem [MR]
- The Devil Among the Lawyers [WFM]
- The Devil Shall Be My Sergeant [MR]
- The Girl I Left Behind Me [MR]
- The Pedlar's Song from the opera 'Lohenshaak' [M!M]
- The Way of the Infidel is a Nest of Thorns [SG]
- The World Turned Upside down [MR]
- There's a Great Deal of Shaking Happening [SM]
- We Shall Overcome RM
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of The L-Space Librarians
This mirror
site is maintained by A.H.Davis