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SM) In article <32006a8a.978983@news.ftech.net>, Murky B
wrote: Except run around and grab unclaimed suupy centres.. One supply centre = one army, 34 in total. Two armies needed to defeat one, hence alliances required.. > This is where you find out if you've been backstabbed. Oh, but I would never backstab anyone... :-) > The beauty of it is that you have to renege
on Or not make any.. :-) One of the skills of diplomacy is making someone think you're allied with them without actually stating it. :-) This has the added bonus of making people who you /have/ created an alliance with formally think themselves safe. :-) *- It would be entirely feasible to have an afp Err.. I do have a .GIF of the map... -=)< John >(=- Go to next post in
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