Go to previous post in
thread Go back to the thread index Subject: Re: *I* Blokes on bombs (was: *A* Susan and
SM) In article <32074672.1613861@news.ftech.net>, Murky B
wrote: I also have a typed up version of the rules [3] being used in local [1] games down here on Fidonet that I am involved in.. > Perhaps a listserv would be needed - and a referee . . . Look around news.answers / rec.answers or rtfm.mit.edu for the Diplomacy FAQ - notes on PBEM games (although mainly related to rgd which is more regulated) [2].. > When would the deadline for turns be? One Twice a week? But we need time to plot alliances against all our neighbours, err, did I say that? -=)> John <(=- [1] Well,
it's officially all NZ, but I
think all the players are from
Wellington.. Go to next post in
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