Go to previous post in
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SM) X-No-Archive: Yes At dawn of the third age of mankind John Fouhy posted. The date is 6 Aug 1996 07:54:53 GMT, the name of the place is alt.fan.pratchett: > *- It would be entirely feasible to have an afp
diplomacy game Hmm . . . looking good . . . now who wants to play? (and who can remind me of the rules??) Perhaps a listserv would be needed - and a referee . . . When would the deadline for turns be? One a week is too slow . . . how about 8pm tuesday and friday (enough time for two moves per week) however this would depend on the ref. At the start of each game we'd have to have a list of participants/countries/email addresses . . . Murky B http://www.ftech.net/~monark/ -- "Anything I can do to help?" "Short of dying? No, can't think of a thing." <Mordenoffers Vir some assistance, B5, 'Interludes and Examinations'> Go to next post in
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