Go to previous post in
thread Go back to the thread index Subject: Re: *I* Blokes on bombs (was: *A* Susan and
SM) In article <9608071203.AA002gk@yggdrasl.demon.co.uk>, Adam
Jones <Adam@yggdrasl.demon.co.uk>
wrote: Austria-Hungary typically becomes the largest (or at least largest-equal) for the first build turn, before getting munched by its four neighbours.. ;-) > Never! Never! No-one ever backstabs, they just
don't Even more fun - they DO do what you expect, but it doesn't have the expected consequences.. :-) > If its not too big, I don't think too many
people Murky has it (assuming it isn't eaten by a netdemon) - I'm sure he can stick it on an FTP site or something if the game goes ahead.. > Hell, if there is a game, I'm up for it so
long The countries should be randomly chosen, I think.. -=)> John <(=- Go to next post in
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